Living Standard,

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Issue Tracking:
Inline In Spec
Not Ready For Implementation

This spec is not yet ready for implementation. It exists in this repository to record the ideas and promote discussion.

Before attempting to implement this spec, please contact the editors.


The IPNS DID method specification defines a new DID method comformant to [DID-CORE] that utilises IPFS and IPNS for publishing, updating, and resolving DID documents.

1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.

Decentralized identifiers (DIDs), as defined in [DID-CORE] are a type of identifier that let subjects identified by them (called DID subjects) autonomously create, publish, and update an identifying document (called the DID document) which they can cryptographically prove is controlled by them.

This identification scheme only makes sense if the related DID documents are distributed to interested parties by a third-party system outside the control of the DID subject.

A DID method defines the mechanisms by which creating, updating, and deactivating DIDs and DID documents, and resolving DIDs into their respective DID documents happens, using a particuar data registry.

This document defines a DID method (did:ipns:) using the IPFS distributed file sharing protocol for DID document storage and retrieval, and IPNS – a subsystem of IPFS – for name resolution.

1.1. A Primer on IPNS

This subsection is non-normative.

IPFS is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol which uses content-addressing to identify and locate files on the network. Namely, the unit of storage on IPFS ­– called a block ­– is uniquely identified by a content identifier (CID).

The CID format contains the hash of the block it is referring to, preceded by a header specifying the hash algorithm used, as well as encoding method used to serialize the data referred to by the CID.

This means every file is globally and uniquely identified on the IPFS network and is referred to by its hash. Consequently, "updating a file" is an operation foreign to the protocol, as changes to the file affect its hash, and thereby the CID used to refer to it.

IPNS ­– a subsystem of IPFS ­– solves this issue by using the hashes of public keys to create CIDs which refer to blocks signed by their corresponding private keys. This keypair is also referred to as the Peer ID, as it is also used by peers on the IPFS network to identify themselves.

The block referred by the CID, also called an IPNS record, contains a signature, conditions determining if the record is valid, a revision number, and a value (which usually points to an IPNS or IPFS path). Resolution happens recursively until finding a CID that points to a non-IPNS record block.

Note: Currently, the only supported validation rule is an expiry date.

Note: The IPNS record contains other fields as well, but they have been omitted for clarity.

When a node encounters an IPNS record with a valid signature and revision number higher than the revision in the IPNS record it already has for that public key, it replaces the old block with the new one. This is how IPNS records are updated.

This section is non-normative.

CIDs are unintelligible to humans, and can be difficult to use because of this. They are hard to remember, and non-descriptive of the content they refer to.

DNSLink solves this issue by defining a method of creating, publishing, and resolving records using the Domain Name System.

To resolve a domain name into a CID, the TXT record for the `_dnslink` subdomain of that domain is checked. If the value starts with `dnslink=`, everything past the `=` character is considered the result of the resolution.

Just like with IPNS records on the IPFS network, this value can be a CID, or point to another IPNS or DNSLink record.

1.2. A Primer on IPLD

This subsection is non-normative.

IPLD is a unifying data model intended to be the standard representation of data stored on IPFS. Its domain of values is nearly similar to that of [JSON]. It adds an additional data type, the CID, which is used to refer to other blocks on the IPFS network.

It allows implementors to use any encoding of their choice to serialize and deserialize values in the domain, so long as decoding after encoding produces a result equal to the input of this process.

In this way, implementors who need to work with data don’t need to worry about how that data is stored; and can instead interface with the guarantees IPLD gives them.

IPLD also defines a path format, similar to POSIX paths, which can be used to follow paths inside IPLD data. In the following example, some IPLD data is given (in the form of JSON), an IPLD path, and the result of following that path through the given data.

Example IPLD data, presented in JSON:
    "name": "John Doe",
    "contact": [
        "type": "phone",
        "value": "1234567890"
        "type": "email",
        "value": "john.doe@jdoe.example"

An example IPLD path:


The result of following the path through the example data:


The exact details of how data is serialized and deserialized is defined in a single definition called a codec.

2. Terminology

This section defines terms used in this specification. Use of terms is to be considered normative when they appear in normative sections. A link to these terms is included whenever they appear in this specification.


Decentralized identifier, as defined in [DID-CORE].

DID document

A conformant DID document, as defined in [DID-CORE].

DID resolution

The process of finding the DID document corresponding to a given DID, as defined in [DID-CORE].


Information in a particular format.

DID controller

An entity capable of making changes to a DID document, as defined in [DID-CORE].

DID subject

The entity identified by a DID, and described by a DID document, as defined in [DID-CORE].

DID method

A definition of how DIDs and DID documents are created, published, updated, and revoked, for some particular method scheme, as defined in [DID-CORE].

Interplanetary File System (IPFS)

A distributed peer-to-peer file sharing protocol that uses content-addressing to identify files on the network.

IPFS block

Unit of storage on the IPFS network.

Interplanetary Naming System (IPNS)

A scheme for creating immutable pointers to mutable data on the IPFS network, as defined in [IPNS].

DNS zone

A subtree of the domain space, as defined in Domain names - implementation and specification § section-2.1.


Content identifier. Used to globally and uniquely identify blocks on the IPFS network, as defined in [CID].

IPNS record

A block that contains information on how to resolve this record into a block, as defined in [IPNS].


A CID that refers to an IPNS record block, derived from a particular peer ID.


A DID whose method-specific ID is an IPNS CID.

IPNS resolution

Process of resolving an IPNS CID or DNSLink domain name into a non-IPNS record block.


An alternative method of resolving human-readable names into CIDs that utilizes the Domain Name System, as defined in [DNSLink].


A DID whose method-specific ID is a domain name.

IPLD data model

Data model to which all data stored over IPFS should (de)serialize to.


A well-defined method for deserializing and serializing data to and fro the IPLD data model.

conformant codec

A codec that is conformant with the criteria laid out in § 3 Supported Codecs, and can be used with DID-IPNS.

peer ID

A cryptographic key pair used for signing messages, as defined in [PEER-ID]

3. Supported Codecs

The goal of IPLD is to abstract over different wire formats, and allow developers to write code that works across all different codecs. The DID IPNS method furthers this goal by supporting all codecs that meet a certain set of criteria.

Namely, for a codec to be conformant for usage with DID-IPNS, it must meet the requirements for representations laid out in Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 § production-and-consumption.

It must also have a deterministic, stable, ordering for all array, map, and set keys ­– so that differently ordered, but otherwise identical data, will always encode to the same output.

Conformant resolvers must support at least the [DAG-JSON], and [DAG-CBOR] codecs, but should support as many as possible.

Note: Support for the DAG-PB codec is optional, and the implementation details for supporting this codec are left to the discretion of software and/or hardware manufacturers.

Conformant implementations should not allow users to serialize DID documents with a non-conformant codec.

Currently, there is no way to tell which codec behaves conformantly just by looking at the codec alone. Therefore, known pathological codecs should be disallowed from use, and a warning should be displayed regarding this issue when using unknown codecs.

4. Operations

This section defines which operations are supported by the method, and the details of their implementations.

4.1. Creating a DID

The DID-IPNS method-specific ID recognizes two different ID formats.

One format uses IPNS records for DID resolution, An ID in this format is the IPNS CID derived from a particular peer ID used to sign the IPNS record it refers to. DIDs using this ID format are referred to as IPNS DIDs.

The other format uses DNSLink. An ID in this format is a domain name. DIDs using this ID format are referred to as DNSLink DIDs.

With both ID formats, the respective records must point to either a CID pointing to a valid DID document, or another IPNS CID or DNSLink domain.

Starting from a valid DID document, the process of creating the respective DID is multifaceted.

4.1.1. Determining the DID’s ID

All IPNS DID method DIDs have the method name ipns (i.e. all IPNS method DIDs start with did:ipns:).

IPNS DID method specific IDs come in two formats: IPNS DIDs and DNSLink DIDs. The process of determining an ID differs based on chosen ID format. IPNS DID IDs

The ID of an IPNS DID is the CID derived from a peer ID. As such, the ID component of the DID must be set to the derived CID.

Deriving CIDs from peer IDs is not defined in any spec.

An existing peer ID may be used for this purpose, or a new one can be generated by the methods detailed in [PEER-ID].

The same peer ID must be used to cryptographically sign all subsequent IPNS records pertaining to this DID, using the signature method defined in Interplanetary Naming System Spec § ipns-record.

This peer ID being compromised allows malicious agents to manipulate IPNS records to point to other DID documents. Loss of the peer ID will render the DID controller unable to publish or update their DID documents. Because of this, it is of utmost importance the peer ID be kept secured.

Refer to key pair storage best practices.

DNSLink uses domain name records to point to CIDs. As such, the ID component of the DID must be set to a domain name with a valid DNSLink TXT record.

The domain name must be in a DNS zone under the control of the DID subject.

4.1.2. Making the DID Document Available Over IPFS

After having created a valid DID document with a method-specific ID conformant to the details outlined in § 4.1.1 Determining the DID’s ID, the document needs to be made available over the IPFS network, and its corresponding CID calculated. This CID will be used in IPNS and DNSLink records to refer to the DID document.

The DID document may be made into a representation by encoding it with any codec that meets the criteria outline in § 3 Supported Codecs.

4.1.3. Creating the IPNS/DNSLink Records

Finally, a record must be published to allow resolution of a DID to its DID document, depending on the method-specific ID format. IPNS DID IDs

In case of a IPNS DID, the DID controller publishes an IPNS record to a block on the IPFS network, signed with a peer ID unique to the DID subject, with a value that is either:

  1. An IPNS CID or DNSLink domain which, when resolved into a block, point to a valid DID document representation on the IPFS network, or

  2. A CID pointing to a block with a valid representation of a DID document.

The IPNS record must contain a sequence number larger than the sequence numbers in all other IPNS records signed by the same peer ID.

For a chosen domain name domainname, the administrator of the DNS zone to which domainname belongs must add a TXT record to the subdomain _dnslink.domainname with a value that is either:

  1. An IPNS CID or DNSLink domain which, when resolved into a block, point to a valid DID document representation on the IPFS network, or

  2. A CID pointing to a block with a valid representation of a DID document.

The TXT record must be prefixed with the string dnslink=. Value Syntax

The values in both IPNS records and DNSLink TXT record must follow the syntax defined in ABNF below. The only exception to this is DNSLink TXT records which must be prefixed with dnslink=.

ABNF is used as defined in [ABNF]. All non-terminals are defined below, except for VCHAR which is defined in [ABNF].

value = ipfs-value / ipns-value
ipfs-value = "/ipfs/" cid [path]
ipns-value = "/ipns/" cid [path]

cid = *VCHAR
path = "/" [*VCHAR] [path]

4.1.4. Authorization

Authorization is performed out-of-band for DID creation, using two separate mechanisms.

For IPNS DIDs, authorization is performed by cryptographically signing each IPNS record with the same peer ID. Should the peer ID become compromised, so too do the IPNS records, meaning a malicious agent can create and publish DID documents on behalf the DID controller. Loss of the peer ID will render the DID controller unable to publish or update their DID documents. Because of this, it is of utmost importance the peer ID be kept secured.

Refer to key pair storage best practices.

For DNSLink DIDs, authorization is delegated to the authorization mechanisms involved in managing a DNS zone.

4.2. Updating a DID

The mechanism for updating a DID is near identical to that of creating one. After preparing a valid DID document, the DID controller must first make it available to the IPFS network, as described in § 4.1.2 Making the DID Document Available Over IPFS.

Subsequently, the DID controller must update relevant records to contain the CID of the updated DID document, following the procedure described in § 4.1.3 Creating the IPNS/DNSLink Records.

In case no change in the DID document has been made, the CID pointing to the block with the representation of the DID document will be the same as the one already published in the relevant records, making this operation a no-op.

4.2.1. Authorization

The authorization mechanism for updating a DID is the same as for creating a DID, as specified in § 4.1.4 Authorization.

4.3. Deleting a DID

As IPFS is a peer-to-peer distributed filesystem, the issuance of a deletion of blocks on the network is impossible, making deleting DIDs impossible as well.

The best DID controllers can do is delete the TXT records in their DNS zones, if they are using a DNSLink DID, or publish a new IPNS record with a value that points away from the DID document, if they are using IPNS DIDs.

In this way, it would be impossible for others to resolve a DID subject’s DID to a DID document, however they might still be able to access previous DID documents using other mechanisms.

4.4. Reading a DID

Conformant resolvers must use the method-specific ID component of the DID to resolve DIDs into their DID documents by recursively performing IPNS resolution until hitting a block containing a valid representation of a DID document.

Conformant resolvers must reject DID documents whose id property differs from the DID used as input to the resolver.

Conformant resolvers and DID URL dereferencers must use the path in the DID URL to traverse data inside the DID document. This implies that a bare DID (with no path) must always resolve to a DID document.

Conformant resolvers must use the CID of the block containing the DID document as the versionId document metadata field.

5. Security Considerations

This section is non-normative.

This section contains a variety of security considerations, notices, and suggested practices for implementors and users of the DID IPNS method alike. This section elaborates on the concerns outlined in Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 § security-requirements.

5.1. Possible Attacks

This section outlines possible attacks on the mechanisms of this DID method, as well as possible counter-measures, if any.

5.1.1. Attack Vectors

In the architecture for this DID method, there exist a few possible alleys for attacks.

5.1.2. Attacks on the IPFS Network

Attackers can choose to disrupt, manipulate, or otherwise attack the IPFS network directly.

Considering its decentralized nature, while an attack like this *is* possible, it requires control over a substantial portion of the network. Furthermore, if discovered, peers on the network can choose to route around the malicious peers, thus diffusing the attack.

In any case, attacks of this kind fall out of the scope of this method.

5.1.3. Attacks on IPNS Records

Considering data is stored immutably on the IPFS network, and is referred to by the hash of its content, no trust needs to be placed in any individual IPFS peer to deliver the correct DID document.

However, IPNS CIDs refer to the hashes of public keys, with the block they resolve to being mutable. This means IPNS records may be a possible vector of attack.

Depending on the ID format of the DID (as explained in § 4.1.1 Determining the DID’s ID), malicious actors have a few different targets.

In case of a DNSLink DID, attackers must gain controls over a DNS zone. As such, this kind of attack falls outside the scope of this method.

In case of a IPNS DID, attackers could forge IPNS records on behalf the DID controller only if they gain access to the private key of the peer ID used to sign IPNS records by that DID controller. This is why keeping the peer ID keypair confidential is of utmost importance.

5.1.4. Man-In-The-Middle Attacks

An attacker may situate himself between a DID controller trying to publish an IPNS record. Since the cryptographic signature in the IPNS record makes it impossible to tamper with, the attacker can only decide to drop the record instead of republishing to other peers.

DID controllers may mitigate this by sending their IPNS records to many peers, reducing the probability of peering with only malicious nodes.

DNSLink DIDs do not suffer from this kind of attack.

5.1.5. Brute-Force Attacks

IPNS DIDs use public key cryptography to sign IPNS records they publish to the network. As such, the keys used by DID controllers may be susceptible to brute-force attacks.

Mitigation of brute-force attacks involves standard practice of picking sufficiently sized keys to make the attacks computationally far too costly.

5.2. Residual Risks

Depending on the ID format, there exist a few residual risks of compromise. For example, attackers may steal the private keys of used peer IDs via an attack that allows them access to the storage device they are stored on.

Similarly, DNSLink DIDs may be compromised if attackers gain administrative access to the corresponding DNS zone by attacking the registrar which controls that zone.

5.3. DID Integrity

CIDs are used to identify DID documents on the IPFS network. The CID contains the hash of the data it refers to. Therefore, by comparing the hash in the CID to the hash of the received DID document, integrity of the resolved document may be confirmed.

IPNS DIDs are cryptographically signed with a peer ID’s public key, which is also the method-specific ID component of the DID, thereby ensuring IPNS records maintain integrity.

5.4. DID Uniqueness

DNSLink DIDs are as unique as the uniqueness of the entity administering its DNS zone.

IPNS DIDs are impossible to prove unique. However, as they are derived from generated keypairs, the probability of generating an existing DID is the same as finding a hash collision.

5.5. IPFS Node Interactions

IPFS nodes are software required to interact with peers on the IPFS network. Instead of running node software themselves, users can interface with existing nodes to perform operations on the IPFS network. Interaction with malicious IPFS nodes may pose a few security risks.

In this setup, the node a user interfaces with is a prime candidate for performing man-in-the-middle attacks, like those outlined in [[#mitm-attacks].

IPFS nodes also expose a peer ID keypair generation and usage, and IPNS record publication interface which uses the aforementioned peer IDs. It is important to note that peer IDs generated in this way are generated and known by the node.

A malicious node would then be able to create and publish IPNS records on behalf the DID controller. For this reason, it is advised DID controllers generate their own peer ID keypairs and create their own IPNS record blocks.

6. Privacy Considerations

This section is non-normative

As all data on the IPFS network is public and content-addressed, the notions of surveillance, disclosure, and secondary use are unavoidable; and in certain cases, the whole point of the protocol. In this sense, when no data is confidential, herd privacy means all data is anonymous (given no personal information is published).

Much in the same way, when certain entries stick out in particular ways from the herd, they can be easily correlated. Some examples include:

Users need to be wary of what they publish, and how they publish, lest they be identified, or correlated to another entity.


Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes. [RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text with class="example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text with class="note", like this:

Note, this is an informative note.


Terms defined by this specification


Normative References

D. Crocker, Ed.; P. Overell. Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF. January 2008. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5234
Steven Allen; Marcin Rataj; David Dias; et al. CID Spec. URL: https://github.com/multiformats/cid/blob/7da1019184403a0805e9fc90d63680cb61371704/README.md
Rod Vagg; et al. DAG-CBOR Spec. Descriptive - Final. URL: https://github.com/ipld/ipld/blob/e840711bd2154525252efcb2b482d97a567927bb/specs/codecs/dag-cbor/spec.md
Rod Vagg; et al. DAG-JSON Spec. Descriptive - Final. URL: https://github.com/ipld/ipld/blob/e840711bd2154525252efcb2b482d97a567927bb/specs/codecs/dag-json/spec.md
Manu Sporny; et al. Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0. URL: https://w3c.github.io/did-core/
Juan Benet; et al. DNSLink Homepage. URL: https://dnslink.dev/
Vasco Santos; Steven Allen; et al. Interplanetary Naming System Spec. Work In Progress. URL: https://github.com/ipfs/specs/blob/c889e0ba368250300a9f3b47b6c8d3e785a0228c/IPNS.md
M. Goelzer; Yusef Napora; Marcin Rataj. Peer ID Spec. Active. URL: https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/50220a14139eb824b12502c55ccfd7ec5e65da9a/peer-ids/peer-ids.md
P. Mockapetris. Domain names - implementation and specification. November 1987. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1035
S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119

Informative References

Rod Vagg; Eric Myhre; Volker Mische. DAG-PB Spec. Descriptive - Final. URL: https://github.com/ipld/ipld/blob/e840711bd2154525252efcb2b482d97a567927bb/specs/codecs/dag-pb/spec.md
T. Bray, Ed.. The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format. December 2017. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8259

Issues Index

Deriving CIDs from peer IDs is not defined in any spec.
Refer to key pair storage best practices.
Refer to key pair storage best practices.